Do I need to do anything if I am a PI leaving UIUC?


Do I need to do anything if I am a PI leaving UIUC?


Yes. If you are a researcher (or research team member) once you leave UIUC you are no longer covered by your UIUC IRB approval and you must cease all research activities or procedures.  If you move to a new academic institution, you are required to work through your new IRB in order to continue conducting any research procedures. 

Before you leave UIUC you need to either close the study with the IRB by submitting a Final Project Report or submit an amendment to change the PI. 

Exempt research: You will be required to follow your new institution's IRB policy and process for Exempt research.

Non-Exempt research: Work with your new IRB and OPRS to determine the best path forward, either closing the UIUC study (or transferring to a new PI) and opening a new study at the new institution or a single IRB review process.  

Please note that a researcher is not permitted to take research data with them to a new institution without a DTUA in place. Please review DTUA guidance for more details.

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