OPRS and IRB Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question Related Research Topics
Is IRB Approval Necessary to Build a Registry?
My research will be done in another country. Do I have to obtain IRB review and approval from the University of Illinois IRB?
Once my project is determined exempt, do I need to do anything else with the application?
Should I submit an Amendment or a New Study?
Should I submit an Amendment or a Report Form?
What are the consequences for submitting a possible Unanticipated Problem late?
What are the consequences for submitting possible non-compliance late?
What are the DoD components?
What are the possible consequences for deviating?
What does the IRB do with Report Forms after they are submitted?
What is ClinicalTrials.gov and do I have to do it?
What is meant by Active Projects in IRBOnline?
What is the difference between consent and assent?
What is the IRB Review Process for Transitioned Projects?
What is the timeframe requirement for transition?
What is the timeline for transitioning a project to IRBOnline? 
What qualifies as DoD research?
Where do I list the research team on a Non Human Subject Research form?
Where is the Research Equipment Form?
Who can be a Principal Investigator (PI)?
Who can build a Data or Biospecimen Repository?
Who can participate in research?
Who can submit a Non Human Subject Research application?
Who is responsible for completing the application to transition to IRBOnline?
Why do problems/events need to be reported?
Why doesn't my study have an expiration date?
Why won't my application submit?
Will I be paid for participating in research?
Will you accept a different CITI module if it is not expired?
Will you accept my CITI training from my previous institution?