Documents and Resources

RGD: Research Involving Prisoners

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Revised Policy Date


Federal regulations place additional safeguards on research that involves prisoners as participants. The IRB reviews all research involving prisoners using the expertise of a prisoner representative (with no association to the prison involved in the research) and who is a member of the IRB.

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Full Details

The IRB reviews all research involving prisoners using the expertise of a prisoner representative (with no association to the prison involved in the research) and who is a member of the IRB. New study submissions indicating prisoners as potential research participants are reviewed by the convened IRB and cannot be reviewed under expedited procedures.  Subsequent review of amendment and continuing review applications may also be reviewed by a convened board, but expedited review procedures may be allowed. Expedited review procedures for continuing review applications will be conducted by a prisoner representative of the IRB.  If a study wishes to enroll prisoners after initial review and approval is received, an amendment must be submitted and reviewed by the convened IRB.

Type of Document

  • Guidance