Submitting to the IRB
- Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS)
- Submissions
- Submitting to the IRB
OPRS and the IRB handle many different types of applications
Explore the applications that may apply to your research.
Application Types
New Study Application
A New Study Application is used for any study that is being considered for initial review and approval.
Amendment Applications
An Amendment Application is used to request approval of any change to the currently approved protocol and/or consent process. These are only considered after a study has received initial review and approval as a new study.
Continuing Review Applications
Continuing Review Applications are also referred to as renewals. Federal Regulations require that many studies are reviewed at least annually. In addition, the IRB reviews all research that is greater than minimal risk at least annually.
Annual HRPP Progress Updates
The Annual HRPP Progress Update is used to submit study status and administrative information for studies that do not require a continuing review application (i.e. studies without an expiration date.)
Report Forms
The Report Form application is used to submit problems, events, or information to the IRB for review. These may include Adverse Events, Protocol Deviations, reports of Non-Compliance, and Unanticipated Problems.
Final Project Reports
A Final Project Report is submitted when the researcher would like to close the study.
The Submissions Review Process
Step1: New Study Application Submission
Step 2: Intake
Step 3: Pre-review
Step 4: Complete pre-review
Step 5: Exempt or Board Review
Step 6: Notification of Determination
The review timeline varies based on different applications.
Learn about the full review process
Review type | Pre-Review | Board Review | Final Processing |
Exempt Review | Up to 2 weeks | N/A | 1 week |
Expedited Review | Up to 2 weeks | Up to 2 weeks | 1 week |
Convened Board | Up to 2 weeks | 1-5 weeks, depending on meeting schedule 1 week | 1 week |