Documents and Resources

PI Departmental Approval Form

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The Campus Administrative Manual defines who is eligible to act as PI of a study. 

As per this policy, upon approval by the applicable academic dean, institute director, or campus administrative officer, an individual in certain other positions may be permitted to act as PI.  

Use this form to document approval by the applicable academic dean, institute director, or campus administrative officer.  Once completed and signed, attach this form in the Documents section of the study application in IRBOnline under the "Other Documents" field.  

The PI's name must be listed on the signed form in order for OPRS to approve the project.  Additionally, a signed form must be attached to each new study application in order for an individual to be approved as PI for each study application.  Additional submissions related to a previously approved study do not require a new form to be attached (i.e. an amendment application does not require a new PI Departmental Approval Form if the PI was previously approved on the new study application and a PI Departmental Approval Form was previously attached).  

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  • Forms