
Program Evaluation


Program evaluation is a systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using information to answer questions about projects, policies, and programs, particularly about their effectiveness and efficiency. Findings are expected to direct improvements to the program or project, rather than contribute to generalizable knowledge, and so do not meet the definition of research.1

OPRS is currently working on providing additional guidance for the UIUC campus and its researchers.  Until the UIUC-specific guidance and policies are provided, please review the attached guidance for background information and contact OPRS with any questions. 

UIUC: Research vs. QI vs. Program Evaluation

University of Wisconsin-Madison Guidance

Oregon State University Guidance

Emory University Guidance

1Bankert, E.A., Gordon, B.G., Hurley, E.A., Shriver, S.P.  (2021). Institutional review board: Management and function (3rd ed.). Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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