Recruiting via Advertisements/Emails/Newsletters, etc.
All recruitment methods and materials must be approved by the IRB, including Eweek notices, department newsletters, and listserv messages. These notices must be approved verbatim as part of the IRB application. Guidance on what should and should not be included can be found in the following research guidance document, RGD - Advertisements.
Specific requirements for Eweek, Listserv messages, newsletters, etc.:
- The subject line of the Eweek notice or listserv message, etc. MUST be included in the recruitment materials approved by the IRB. Only providing the body of the message as part of the IRB application means only the body of the message is approved for use.
- The same message can be used for multiple communications; however, each mode of communication must be specifically described in the IRB application as part of the recruitment methods response.
- In line with the guidance document requirements related to compensation, compensation cannot be listed in the subject line of a recruitment message.
The regulations and approval requirements apply regardless of the method of recruitment. For example, a sidewalk chalk notice about a study is considered a recruitment method and must be specifically approved both as a method and the language used before it can be used to recruit participants.