Can a graduate student submit the application?


Can a graduate student submit the application?


No.  Only the PI can create and submit the application.  Generally speaking, graduate students do not meet the UIUC eligibility criteria for being a PI.  If a graduate student (or anyone who does not meet the UIUC PI eligibility criteria) wants to conduct a research project, they must have a faculty advisor who can act as the PI.  The faculty advisor or faculty member listed as PI for the IRB application is considered the Principal Investigator according to all federal regulations and is responsible for all aspects of the research.  

The PI must create the application.  However, they can just create the application and add the research team.  Anyone who is listed as a "Research Team Contact" will then have edit access to the study application.  The research team contact can then complete the application.  Once they have completed the application, they will need to let the PI know it is ready for review and submission.  

The PI should then review the application to ensure it is complete and appropriate, and then PI can then submit the application. 

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