IRBOnline - Electronic Submission System
IRBOnline is the electronic submission system used by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
The link to IRBOnline can be found in the upper right hand corner of the OPRS website. Additionally, you can go directly to the website:
The IRBOnline Training webpage will continue to be updated with additional trainings. Additionally, new functions will be continue to be added to IRBOnline. Make sure to follow the OPRS website and Listserv for ongoing updates.
Related Documents
Related FAQs
- How do I create an application in IRBOnline?
- Who can be a Principal Investigator (PI)?
- Can a graduate student submit the application?
- Who can submit a Non Human Subject Research application?
- How do I make sure my CITI training is showing in IRBOnline?
- Where do I list the research team on a Non Human Subject Research form?
- How do I delete an application in IRBOnline?
- What is the timeline for transitioning a project to IRBOnline?
- What is meant by Active Projects in IRBOnline?
- How are Renewals and Amendments impacted by IRBOnline?
- Can I just close my study?
- Who is responsible for completing the application to transition to IRBOnline?
- What is the IRB Review Process for Transitioned Projects?
- Do I need to transition an NHSR (Non-Human Subject Research) project?
- Do I have to transition an existing project that uses an external IRB?
- Why won't my application submit?