Do I have to transition an existing project that uses an external IRB?


Do I have to transition an existing project that uses an external IRB?


Yes.  If you have a project that relies on an external IRB, often there was never an official submission to OPRS and the UIUC IRB.  You do need to submit an application in IRBOnline.  When you are using an external IRB (called the "reliance" or "single IRB" process), you must submit a Facilitated Review application to UIUC.  This is now submitted via IRBOnline.  

How to submit a Facilitated Review application for an active, existing project: 

  1. Login to IRBOnline
  2. Create a New Project
  3. Select "Facilitated Review application" as the type of new project you want to create
  4. Complete the abbreviated facilitated review application.  All questions are required. 
  5. Question 1.4 - Was this project previously approved by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign IRB as part of an earlier application? Respond: Yes
  6. You will then receive a new question - If yes, list the previous IRB number: - If you have an IRB#, enter it; however, before May 2023, most projects that used an external IRB were not assigned an IRB number.  If you do not have a number, or do not know the number, enter N/A.  When OPRS staff review your application, we may add the internal OPRS number to your application for documentation purposes.  
  7. Question 23.8 - Supporting Documents - If you have copies of the reliance agreement or related reliance documentation, upload it in this spot.  

For additional information about the Facilitated Review Application in general, please review the Facilitated Review page and the UIUC Relying on an External IRB page.

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