
PIPL: People's Republic of China Privacy Laws


PIPL is a comprehensive data privacy law that took effect on November 1, 2021. It is intended to protect the personal information of individuals located inside mainland China.  PIPL applies to individuals who are physically located in mainland China.  

Please note that because PIPL went into effect recently and is large and complex, there are many offices at the University of Illinois currently working on how best to proceed. OPRS is unable to provide a precise estimate of how long the review of your protocol may take if PIPL applies. OPRS is unable to approve research if PIPL applies without consultation and approval from other units at the university.

If you would like to conduct research with persons located in mainland China regardless of the nationality of the participants or the location of the researcher, please follow these steps:

1. Review information provided by the University - China's Personal Information Policy and Research and International Privacy

2. Complete the Online PIPL Tool: This tool will help you determine if PIPL applies to your research.  If it does, the tool will identify consent templates that should be incorporated into your study's informed consent information. 

3. Provide the PDF output obtained from the Online PIPL Tool to OPRS with your IRB application as an attached file.  OPRS staff will use this information to assist you with PIPL-compliant consent templates during the review of your protocol.  

4. As stated above, OPRS may be required to send the application for review and approval by other units within the University of Illinois system to determine if it can be approved before OPRS can complete the review of the project. This review may include review and/or confirmation of Data Processing Agreements and Data Handling Agreements

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