OPRS SOP 101: Policies and Procedures Management |
OPRS SOP 102: Training and Education |
OPRS SOP 103: Management of OPRS Personnel |
OPRS SOP 104: IRB Authority and Signatory Authority |
OPRS SOP 201: Management and Composition of the IRB |
OPRS SOP 202: Duties of IRB Members |
OPRS SOP 203: OPRS Advisory Committee |
OPRS SOP 301: Research Submission Requirements |
OPRS SOP 302: Administrative Review and Distribution of Materials |
OPRS SOP 303: IRB Review of Submissions |
OPRS SOP 304: Convened IRB Meeting Administration |
OPRS SOP 305: Documentation of IRB Discussions, Decisions and Findings |
OPRS SOP 306: AD HOC Consultant Reviewers |
OPRS SOP 307: Approval Period and Determination of Expiration |
OPRS SOP 308: Document Management |
OPRS SOP 401: Definition of Research Involving Human Subjects |
OPRS SOP 402: Research Activities Exempt From IRB Review |
OPRS SOP 403: Expedited Review |
OPRS SOP 404: Initial Review – Criteria for IRB Approval |
OPRS SOP 405: Continuing Review |
OPRS SOP 406: Review of Amendments to Research Studies |
OPRS SOP 407: Final Project Reports |
OPRS SOP 408: IRB Actions to Approve or Disapprove Research |
OPRS SOP 409: Medical Case Reports |
OPRS SOP 410: Alternative IRB Review Arrangements and Agreements |
OPRS SOP 411: Appeal of IRB Decisions |
OPRS SOP 501: Vulnerable Populations in Research |
OPRS SOP 502: Clinical Research Involving Investigational Drugs and Devices |
OPRS SOP 601: Screening, Recruiting, and Advertising for Participant Enrollment |
OPRS SOP 602: Payment for Participation in Research Studies |
OPRS SOP 701: General Requirements Of Informed Consent |
OPRS SOP 702: General Requirements Of Documentation Of Consent |
OPRS SOP 703: Waiver Or Alteration Of Consent |
OPRS SOP 704: Assent |
OPRS SOP 802: Privacy And Confidentiality |
OPRS SOP 901: Unanticipated Problems Involving Risks To Participants Or Others |
OPRS SOP 902: Deviations |
OPRS SOP 903: HRPP and Non-compliance |
OPRS SOP 904: Administrative Hold, Suspension And Termination Of Research |
OPRS SOP 905: Institutional Reporting Procedures |